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How to Get a Certificate of Good Conduct

How to Get a Certificate of Good Conduct

How Long Does it Take to Get Certificate of Good Conduct

A certificate of good conduct is one of the most important documents that any Kenyan ought to be in possession of. There are many ways in which possessing such a document can be beneficial to you. Like any other legal documentation in Kenya, there are requirements for obtaining this document as well. This certificate is also commonly referred to as a Police Clearance Certificate. When applying for a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) badge, a job, or even in order to run for any governmental position, this certificate is mandatory. The importance of this document us such that, it acts as evidence that an individual applying for a given job or position, is of good moral standing and obeys the law. The biggest predicament when it comes to applying for jobs today is the fact that it exposes the majority of Kenyans to their own ignorance. Often times, people either don’t know what a certificate of good conduct is, or do not know where and how to obtain it. If you are in such a situation then worry not because we have answers to all frequently asked questions about this document.

Who is eligible to receive a certificate of conduct?

There are multiple groups of people who can get this certificate. The first group of people who are eligible to receive this certificate is those Kenyans who reside within the country. The second group is inclusive of those Kenyans living in foreign countries and the last group consists of foreign nationals who are residing in Kenya.

What are the requirements for getting a certificate of good conduct?

•          In Kenya, attaining a minimum of 18 years of age automatically qualifies you to get this certificate. You will also need a second-generation national ID and a clear photocopy of the national ID. Getting a national ID card in Kenya is quite easy especially since the Registration of Persons Act (Cap.107) makes it a mandatory requirement by the law of Kenya for a citizen who attains the age of 18 to have an Identity card.

•             For those below 18 years of age, you can get this documentation on condition that you be in possession of an original birth certificate as well as a clear copy of your birth certificate.

•            In order to get this certificate, you will also need to cough up at least 1,000 shillings, which will be paid to a cashier at your respective CID office. Different localities have their own CID headquarters.

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The other main requirement is that one ought to be free of any criminal records. The Kenya police department routinely updates its database where records of those who have been charged with various offenses are kept. Before being issued with this certificate, your fingerprints will be taken and run through the database. Only those without records will be eligible to receive this certificate.

Where to get a Certificate of good conduct.

For those living in Nairobi, you can get this certificate by visiting the CID headquarters which is located in Muthaiga, along Kiambu road. If you are living outside Nairobi then do not despair. This certificate can easily be found in respective Divisional CID offices which are located in almost every region.

Why is a certificate of good conduct important?

This certificate is valuable especially because it acts as proof that you have been duly searched and approved as a decent individual who has no criminal record. It is important to note that the validity of this certificate is as good as its date of issuance. This means that in order for your certificate to remain valid, it ought to be up to date. The number of employers requiring employees to be in possession of this document is steadily increasing and it would be wise for you to ensure that you get your certificate as soon as possible and that you stay out of trouble with law enforcement agencies.

What is the time taken between the application and receipt of the certificate of good conduct?

Typically, you will have to wait a minimum of two weeks in order to receive this certificate. Those living far from town centers could except theirs to come late but not very late.

How do I apply for eCitizen good conduct certificate step by step?

In order to apply for this certificate, you still need to be at least 18 years old. You also need to have an eCitizen account which you can easily get by applying online. For those living in Nairobi, it is mandatory to possess an account and apply online. The main advantage of having an account is the fact that it provides a renewal option for your certificate of good conduct.  

Step 1. The first step here is that you will be required to create your own eCitizen account and set your password.

Step 2. In the online application, you will be required to log in to your eCitizen account which you will have created for free. In the dashboard, you will have to click on the “Get Service Now” option which is under the “Directorate of Criminal Investigations” option. You will then find clear guidelines on the additional steps you need to take.

Step 3. You will then be required to fill an application form which you will download from the eCitizen portal, dci.ecitizen.go.ke.

Step 4. You will also be required to pay Kshs. 1,050 via M-pesa and get the document. You will then be required to print the payment confirmation document which you will physically deliver to the Criminal Investigation Department headquarters. Here, you will also need to have printed at least two copies of the payment invoice as well as that of the C24 form, on both sides of the A4 paper.

Step 5. This is the last step of the application and here you will be taken through fingerprint processing which will take place at CID headquarters. It is important to remember that this certificate ought to be renewed every year.

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